Friday, October 10, 2008

The Breakfast of Champions

The Creech strikes again!

Stuffed with the apples gathered last Sunday, this pie is criminally good.
So good in fact, they might deport me for possesion.
No matter, it's worth it.


Mega-Jason said...

How many times do I have to say it: you're a citizen now, they can't deport you. Throw you in prison perhaps...but an American prison. Yee Haw!!

Elina said...

They can, it's called "denaturalization." A new and wonderful post-9/11 law:

Cliff said...

Did the pie include bacon? If not, I challenge "The Breakfast of Champions" statement.

Elina said...

Oh yeah? What's next? Challenging the Special Olympics?! Tsk-tsk...

Cliff said...

Does the Special Olympics include BACON?

If not, they're really not that "Special" are they?

Anonymous said...

can i be creeched? is that allowed? I WANT PIE!